Ernst Kantorowicz Collection 1908-1982
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- Topics
- Theresienstadt (Concentration camp), Loyalty oaths, Historians, Jews, College teachers, Political refugees, Colonial administrators, Explorers, Antisemitism
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- LeoBaeckInstitute; microfilm; americana; additional_collections
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- Leo Baeck Institute Archives
- Language
- English
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- 1.3G
1/1: Essay on Ernst Kantorowicz by R. Giesey
1/2 : Curriculum Vitae
1/3 : Italian Drivers License
1/4 : 'Mein Lebensbild' by Salomon Kaliphari
1/5 : University of Frankfurt/ Main - 'Einschreibeliste' 1933/34
1/6 : Ernst Kantorowicz Library in Germany
1/7 : England - includes letters ref. to emigration from Germany 1938
1/8 : Bibliography of publications
1/9 : Lecture Themes
1/10:Lists of E.K. acquaintances and Addressbook
1/11:Last will of E.K., 1962
1/12:Photos - removed to photofile
1/13:Tapes on Kantorowicz
1/14:Statements, Correspondence, News clippings ref. to Oath Controversy 1949-51
1/15:University of CA (Berkeley) transcript for tenure - Jan 10, 1952, 18 pp
1/16:pamphlets describing oath and controversy
1/17:Pamphlet 'The Fundamental Issue' by E.K.; documents and notes by E.K
1/18:Pamphlet on court case involving signing of loyalty oath 1951/52
1/19:Pamphlet on security vs. freedom, 1950
1/20:Miscellaneous Material - offprints
1/21:A memorial of Angi Kantorowicz
2/1 :Manuscript "Synthronos" - English, 33 pp
2/2 :Charles the Bald & the Natales Caesarum" -English, 34 pp
2/3 :"Roma and the Coal" - 2 versions Englich
2/4 :"Coronation Scenarios - Eastern and Western - Epiphany & coronation" - English, 60 pp
2/5 :Roman coins and Christian Rites" - 2 copies, English - 24 pp. and 34 pp
2/6 :"Grenzen, Moeglichkeiten und Aufgaben der Darstellung mittelalterlicher Geschichte" - German, 33 pp. and related offprints
2/7 :"Das geheime Deutschland" - German, 22 pp
2/8 :"Wandel des Zeitgefuehls" - 2 versions German, 35 pp
2/9 :"Was ist Adel ?" - German, 29 pp
2/10:"Zum Ottonenbild im Aachener Evangeliar" - German, 21 pp. and 1 photo
2/11:"The Idea of Permanency in the thirteenth Century" - English, 2 versions, 26 and 35 pp
2/12:"Humanities and History" - English, 5 pp
2/13:"The Dukes of Burgundy & the Italian Renaissance" - English, 27 pp
3/1 :Review of Antonio de Stefano "L'idea imperiale di Federico II" (1927), in Historische Zeitschrift CXL (1929), 449-550
3/2 :Review of Eleanor Shipley Duckett "Anglo-Saxon Saints and Scholars" (1947), in Classical Philology, XLIII (1948), 265-266
3/3 :Review of Reto R. Bezzola "Les origines et la formation de la litterature courtoise en occident: 500-1200" (1944), in Comparative Literature (1949), 84-87
3/3a:Review of Leonardo Olschki "The Myth of Felt" (1949), in Romance Philology (1951), 281-284
3/4 :Review of Eudes de Deuil "La Croisade de Louis VII." ed. Henry Waquet (1949), in Romance Philology (1952), 321-322
3/5 :Review of "Martini episcopi Bracarensis opera omnia" ed. Claude W. Barlow (Papers & Monographs of the American Academy in Rome, XII, 1950), in American Journal of Archeology (1952), 229-230
3/6 :Review of Johan Huizinga "Geschichte und Kultur - Gesammelte Aufsaetze" ed. Kurt Koester (1954), in American Historical Review (1955), 853-855
3/7 :Review of Charles Till Davis "Dante and the Idea of Rome" (1957), in Speculum (1959), 103-109
3/8 :Review of Walter Ullmann "Principles of Government an Politics in the Middle Ages" (1961), in Speculum (1964), 344-351
3/9 :Dissertation "Das Wesen der muslimischen Handwerkerverbaende", Heidelberg, 1921, 104 pp
3/10:Clippings and notes for "Kaiser Friedrich der Zweite"
3/11:Offprints and clippings "Mythenschau", in Historische Zeitschrift CXLI 1930, 457-471
3/12:"Deutsches Papsttum", in 'Vom Schicksal des deutsches Geistes'
3/13:"Petrus de Vinea in England", in Mitteilungen des Oesterreichischen Instituts fuer Geschichtsforschung, LI (1937), 43-88
3/14:Offprint and clippings "Die Wiederkehr gelehrter Anachorese im Mittelalter", 1937, 13 pp
3/15:"The Este Portrait by Roger van der Weyden", in Journal of the Warburg and Courtald Institutes III (1939-1940) 165-180
3/16:"A Norman Finale of the Exultet and the Rite of Sarum", in Harvard Theological Review, XXXIV (1941), 129-143
3/17:"Plato in the Middle Ages", in The Philosophical Review LI (1942), 313-323 and reviews of other works on Plato
3/18:"Ivories and Litanies", Journal of the Warburg and Courtland Institutes, V (1942), 56-81
3/19:"Anonymi 'Aurea Gemma'", in Medievalia et Humanistica, I (1943), 41-57
3/20:"An 'Autobiography' of Guido Faba" in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, I (1943), 253-280
3/21:"A Diplomatic Mission of Francis Accursius and his oration before Pope Nicholas III", in English Historical Review
3/22:"The problem of Medieval World Unity", in American Historical Association, Annual Report for 1942, III (1944), 31-37 - E.K.'s copy annotated
3/23:"The King's Advent and the Enigmatic Panels in the Doors of Santa Sabina" in Art Bulletin XXVI (1944), 207-231
3/24:"Laudes Regiae: A study in Liturgical Acclamations and Medieval Ruler Worship", in University of California Publications in History, XXXIII, Berkeley and L.A.: University of California Press, 1946, 292 pp. (1st of 3 Folders)
3/25:"Laudes Regiae" (2nd of 3 Folders)
3/26:"Laudes Regiae" (3rd of 3 Folders)
3/27:"Notes on the Christus vincit Legend on Coins. Berkeley an L.A.: University of California Press, 1946. Reprint of Chapter 1 (pp.1-12) and Appendix (pp. 222-230)
3/28:"How the pre-Hitler German Universities were run", in 'Adresses on the Problem of Administrative Overhead' (Western College Association), 1945
3/29:"The Quinity of Winchester" in Art Bulletin XXIV (1947), 73-85
3/30:"Christus-Fiscus", in Synopsis: Festgabe fuer Alfred Weber (Heidelberg 1948), 223-235
3/31:Introduction to Luis Weckmann - Las Bulas Alejandrinas de 1493 y la Teoria Politica del Papado Medieval (Mexico City 1949), 7-11
3/32:The Fundamental Issue - Documents and Marginal Notes on the University of California Loyalty Oath, 1950, 40 pp
4/1 :"Pro patria mori in Medieval Thought", in American Historical Review, LVI (1951), 472-492
4/2 :"Dante's 'Two Suns'", in Semitic and Oriental Studies (1951), 472-492
4/3 :"Der Gastfreund", in Albrecht Bernstorff zum Gedaechtnis, photocopy
4/4 :"Kaiser Friedrich II und das Koenigsbild des Hellenismus", in Varia Variorum: Festgabe fuer Karl Rheinhardt (Muenster-Koeln 1952), 163-193
4/5 :"Deus per naturam, deus per gratiam: A Note on Medieval Political Theology", in Harvard Theological Review, XLV (1952), 253-277
4/6 :Greek article in American Journal of Archeology, LVII (1953), 65-70
4/7 :"Inalienability: A Note on Canonical Practice and the English Coronation Oath in the Thirteenth Century" in Speculum, XXIX (1954), 488-502
4/8 :"Mysteries of State: An Absolutist Concept and its Late Medieval Origins", in Harvard Theological Review, XLVIII (1955), 65-91 and Spanish Translation
4/9 :"Invocatio Nominis Imperatoris: On vv. 21-25 of Cielo d'Alcamo's Contrasto", in Bolletino del Centro di Studi filologici e linguistici Siciliani, III (1955), 35-50
4/10:"Late Classical and Medieval Studies in Honor of Albert Mathias Friend Jr.", ed. Kurt Weitzmann et al. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955 and "The Carolingian King in the Bible of San Paola fuori le mura", in Late Classical and Mediaeval Studies, 287-300
4/11:"The Babtism of the Apostles", in Dumbarton Oaks Papers, IX-X (1956), 204-251
4/12:"Feudalism in the Byzantine Empire", in Feudalism in History (1956), 151-166
4/13:"Zu den Rechtsgrundlagen der Kaisersage", in Deutsches Archiv, XIII (1957), 115-150
4/14:"The Prologue to Fleta and the School of Petrus de Vinea", in Speculum XXXII (1957), 231-249
4/15:"The Transformations of Apolline Ethics", in Charites: Studien zur Altertumswissenschaft (Festschrift Ernst Langlotz), Bonn 1957, 265-274
4/16:Reviews of "The King's Two Bodies: A Study in Medieval Political Theology". Princeton University Press, 1957. 568 pp
4/17:"The Archer in the Ruthwell Cross", in Art Bulletin, XLII (1960), 57-59
4/18:"On the Golden Marriage Belt and the Marriage Rings of the Dumbarton Oaks Collection", in Dumbarton Oaks Papers, XIV (1960), 2-16
4/19:"Kingship under the Impact of Scientific Jurisprudence", in Twelfth-Century Europe and the Foundations of Modern Society (1961), 89-111
4/20:"The Sovereignty of the Artist: A Note on Legal Maxims and Renaissance Theories of Art", in De Artibus Opuscula XL: Essays in Honor of Erwin Panofsky (New York 1961), 267-279
4/21:"Gods in Uniform", in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society CV (1961), 368-393
4/22:"Puer exoriens: On the Hypapante in the Mosaics of S. Maria Maggiore", in Perennitas (1963), 118-135
4/23"Oriens Augusti - Lever du Roi", in Dumbarton Oaks Papers, XVII (1963), 119-177
4/24:"Constantinus Strator: Marginalien zum Constitutum Constantini", in Mullus: Festschrift Theodor Klauser (Jahrbuch fuer Antike und Christentum, 1964), 181-189
5/1: Description of correspondence of Gertrude, Clara and Angie Kantorowicz, a manuscript by Kaete Ledermann on Angie Kantorowicz, correspondence on attempts to emigrate from Germany in 1941, and a detailed "Who's Who" of all names appearing in correspondence
5/2: Published manuscript by Gertrude Kantorowicz, "Ueber den Maerchenstil der Malerei und die Sienische Kunst des Quattrocento," poetry from Thereseinstadt, xeroxes of photos of Gertrude Kantorowicz
5/3: Correspondence of EHK with other historians and Felix Frankfurter (1934-1939) on possible jobs outside of Germany; Curriculum vitae, passport applications, ship tickets
5/4: Correspondence, genealogical tables and a manuscript on EHK's family and ancestry
5/5: EHK material concerning the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, on the 1933 boycott, and on the Nazi takeover at the University of Frankfurt
6/1: Drafts, letters, memos, and articles pertaining to the Loyalty Oath Issue, 1949-1950
6/2: "Group for Academic Freedom" materials relating to the Loyalty Oath Issue
6/3: Correspondence of EHK concerning the Loyalty Oath, 1949-1951
6/4: Legal Papers and correspondence dealing with the Loyalty Oath Action, and the subsequent compensation suit, 1950-1955
6/5: Miscellaneous clippings, notes, and pamphlets concerning the loyalty oath and compensation issues
7/1:Guide to dates of the loyalty oath controversy (1949-1953), drafts of loyalty oath statements by EHK and others, materials related to the Academic Senate of the University of California at Berkeley
7/2: Correspondence and miscellaneous material related to EHK's first jobs in the USA, correspondence with other universities, Committee on Social Thought, 1940-1945, correspondence concerning job offers and lectures, 1950-1951
7/3: Materials related to the National Refugee Service, correspondence concerning post-war Germany; includes a recommendation letter for Dr. Schramm from 1947, saying he was always an anti-Nazi and capable of teaching in post-war Germany
7/4: EHK's Correspondence at Princeton, 1951-1963
7/5: Miscellaneous materials including review by EHK, list of his publications, reprint of article on EHK, obituaries of EHK, condolence letters including one from Olga Schnitzler
7/6: Miscellaneous materials including reprints of articles by EHK, honorary degree from Lawrence University with related correspondence, and other academic honors and certificates
7/7: Addenda: Passports and Travel Documents, 1930's, and correspondence with publishers, 1953-1963
8/1: Papers of and About Richard Kandt, EHK's cousin and an African explorer. Most material from 1918
8/2: Lectures on German History, in English, by EHK. For the academic year, 1943-1944, as part of the Army Special Training Program
8/3: Information on Ernst Kantorowicz's Classes and Academic Career
8/4: Article, "L'erudition - et apres? Les historien allemands avant et apres 1945" by Peter Schoettler. From "Geneses", September 1991
9/1: Lectures for Course, "Medieval Institutions," 1939-1941
9/2: Lectures for Course, "Medieval Institutions II," 1942
9/3: Lectures for Course, "Medieval England," 1948
9/4: Lectures for Course, "The Normans in European History," 1939
9/5: Lectures for Course, "Byzantium," 1947
9/6: Lectures for Course, "Italian History," 1943-1944
9/7: Lectures for Course, "English Constitutional History," 1944-1947
9/8: Lectures for Course, "English Constitutional History II" 1945-1948
9/9: Lectures for Course, "English Constitutional History," 1949
9/10: Lectures for Course, "English Constitutional History II," 1948-1949
9/11: Lectures for Course, "The 13th Century," 1948
9/12: Lectures for Course, "The Ages of Transition, 13th-14th Centuries," 1942
9/13: Lectures for Course, "The Renaissance," 1945-1948
9/14: Lectures for Course, "Medieval England II," ("Medieval England I" missing), date unknown
9/15: Lectures for Course, "Medieval Foundations of Humanism and Renaissance," 1940
9/16: Lectures for Course, "The Reformation," 1946-1947
9/17: Humanities Lectures at Princeton University, 1953-1954; Schedule and two complete lectures, "Feudalism and Popular Sovereignty," and "Kingship of Freedom and Man in the Works of Dante."
Correspondence on various topics, including emigration to the United States and Cuba; relocation in academic jobs; denazification and conditions in Germany after the war; and Kantorowicz's scholarship. In addition to family members, correspondents include Ernst Curtius, Ludwig Edelstein, Bernhard Flexner, Felix Frankfurter, Sidney Hook, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Ernst Kitzinger, Theodor Ernst Mommsen, John Ulric Nef, Kurt Riezler, Hans Rothfels, Fritz Saxl, Percy Ernst Schramm, Edward Sproul, Gerd Tellenbach, Paul Tillich, Edward Tolman, Helen Waddell, Earl Warren, and Stanley Weigert
Unpublished manuscripts, and offprints of articles and reviews by Kantorowicz, largely on medieval cultural history; a brief biography of him by Ralph Giesey
Manuscripts, correspondence, legal briefs, clippings, and other material on the loyalty-oath controversy; material on Kantorowicz's tenure at the University of Frankfurt, and on his dismissal
Manuscripts, correspondence, and other papers of family members; an art history essay by Gertrude Kantorowicz and a pamphlet of poetry from Theresienstadt; genealogies; and a manuscript on Simon Kaliphari of Posen; manuscript by Kaete Ledermann, A Memorial of Angi ("Esther") Kantorowicz, c. 1904-1944, 1954, including transcript compiled by Guenther Roth
Photos of Kantorowicz and of family members
Papers of Richard Kandt (1867-1918), an African explorer and, from 1908-1914, administrator of Ruanda: poems, letters, maps, and obituaries
Addenda: Original lectures by Kantorowicz
The following individuals and families are mentioned in this collection: Curtius, Ernst R.; Edelstein, Ludwig; Flexner, Bernhard; Frankfurter, Felix; Giesey, Ralph; Hook, Sidney; Hutchins, Robert Maynard; Kaliphari family; Kaliphari, Simon; Kandt, Richard; Kandt, Richard; Kantorowicz, Angela (Angi, Esther); Kantorowicz, Gertrude; Kitzinger, Ernst; Ledermann, Kaete; Lieeschuetz, Hans; Mommsen, Theodor; Nef, John Ulric; Riezler, Kurt; Rothfels, Hans; Saxl, Fritz; Schramm, Percy Ernst; Sproul, Edward; Tellenbach, Gerd; Tillich, Paul; Tolman, Edward; Waddell, Helen; Warren, Earl; Weigert, Stanley
Born in Posen (now Poznan, Poland) on May 5, 1895, Kantorowicz was a historian, who specialized in the Middle Ages. After serving in World War I, he fought with the Freikorps against the Poles in Posen, and against the Spartacist uprising in 1919. He received his doctorate at Heidelberg in 1921, and began teaching at Frankfurt am Main in 1930, receiving a chair in 1932. He was a member of the Stefan George Kreis, and is best known for his biography of Emperor Frederick II. He took a leave of absence to protest the antisemitic regulations instituted after the Nazis came to power, and was dismissed in 1934. He emigrated to Great Britain in 1938 and to the United States in 1939, where he taught at the University of California, Berkeley. He left as a result of the loyalty-oath controversy in 1951, and then served as professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton until his death on September 9, 1963
11 page inventory
Synopsis in File
Essay on Ernst Kantorowicz by R. Giesey ; 'Mein Lebensbild' by Salomon Kaliphari ; University of CA (Berkeley) ; Angi Kantorowicz ; Synthronos ; Charles the Bald & the Natales Caesarum ; Roma and the Coal ; Coronation Scenarios - Eastern and Western - Epiphany & coronation ; Grenzen, Moeglichkeiten und Aufgaben der Darstellung mittelalterlicher Geschichte ; Das geheime Deutschland ; Wandel des Zeitgefuehls ; Was ist Adel ; "Zum Ottonenbild im Aachener Evangeliar ; The Idea of Permanency in the thirteenth Century ; Humanities and History ; The Dukes of Burgundy & the Italian Renaissance ; Antonio de Stefano L'idea imperiale di Federico II ; Eleanor Shipley Duckett Anglo-Saxon Saints and Scholars ; Reto R. Bezzola "Les origines et la formation de la litterature courtoise en occident: 500-1200 ; Leonardo Olschki "The Myth of Felt" ; Eudes de Deuil ; Henry Waquet ; Claude W. Barlow ; Johan Huizinga ; Kurt Koester ; Charles Till Davis ; Walter Ullmann ; Petrus de Vinea ; Anachorese ; Roger van der Weyden ; Exultet and the Rite of Sarum ; Aurea Gemma ; Guido Faba ; Francis Accursius ; Laudes Regiae ; Luis Weckmann ; Albrecht Bernstorff ; Karl Rheinhardt ; Albert Mathias Friend Jr. ; Richard Kandt ; Ernst Langlotz ; Theodor Klauser ; Gertrude, Clara and Angie Kantorowicz, Kaete Ledermann ; Felix Frankfurter ; National Refugee Service, Olga Schnitzler ; Kivu See, design by Richard Kandt ;
Film/Fiche is presented as originally captured.
- Addeddate
- 2010-07-02 18:32:46
- Call number
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